If you are new to the Lethbridge Track and Field Club let us introduce ourselves.
We are a registered Athletics Canada organization and have a long standing history in Lethbridge Alberta.
We run introduction programs for athletes 8-12 years of age using the RUN, JUMP, THROW, WHEEL program which gives athletes an opportunity to be introduced to all the different Track and Field disciplines.
For athletes ages 12-18 we offer developmental programs for speed, power (sprints, and jumps) and for distance 800m and up.
If you are over 18 or an adult we have a place here for you as well. Please email us to see which program would be suitable.
We run our track and field out of the University of Lethbridge 1st Choice Savings Centre and the Community Stadium, as well as the Nicholas Sheran Park for our Cross Country programming.
Indoor Track 2024/2025
Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-7:30pm
University of Lethbridge
1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness
November 5th until April 3rd
Last day before Christmas Break is Dec.19th
First day back Jan 7th.
Tuesday Jan 21st
Thursday Feb 20th
Thursday Mar 6th
These sessions include an active warm up, training on the track in either sprint, middle/distance and jumping, followed by a cool down and stretching.
Cost is $250 for the season. Payments can be made in instalments on our system. Please choose the instalment option when you are checking out.
Participants must have a valid Athletics Alberta Membership. You can register for this on their website.
Registration is limited
We can also train Adult runners. Prior to registering please message us to see if you are a good fit for our club.
Athletics Alberta Membership must be valid. Create or renew here
Register for Indoor Track here
$250 All Coaching is INCLUDED in this price.
All athletes must register with both the Lethbridge Track and Field Indoor Track and Athletics Alberta prior to attending training.